
Book Details

  • Year: 2024
  • Pages: 500
  • Price 1000.00 (50.00$)
  • Category: Politics

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Jawar Mohammed's Memoir "I Will Not Regret" Launched in Nairobi

Prominent Ethiopian politician Jawar Mohammed has officially launched his long-awaited memoir, አልፀፀትም[Altsethetem] (Amharic) and Hin Gaabbu (Afan Oromo), meaning I Will Not Regret. The book was unveiled in Nairobi, Kenya, marking a significant milestone in the life of one of Ethiopia's most influential and controversial political figures.

A Book Born in Prison

Jawar wrote the 500-page memoir during his imprisonment, a period that followed his arrest amidst widespread unrest after the tragic killing of artist Hachalu Hundessa. The book details the challenges he faced, including writing under restrictive conditions. "At first, it was difficult to even obtain paper. Later, with the help of prison guards and others, I managed to smuggle the pages out one by one," he explained.

The book, completed under extraordinary circumstances, is a testament to Jawar’s resilience. It recounts his journey from childhood to his involvement in Ethiopian politics and the pivotal moments during the Oromo youth Qeerroo movement that helped reshape the country's political landscape.

Why Launch in Nairobi?

While Jawar initially hoped to launch the book in Ethiopia, he revealed that political sensitivities made it impractical. Nairobi, a hub for many Ethiopian communities, was chosen as a neutral ground. He also plans to take the book to Europe, aiming to engage with the diaspora and discuss Ethiopia's future.

Jawar shared, "I had hoped the book could be released after tensions subsided in Ethiopia. But the situation has worsened, and waiting any longer seemed futile."

Content and Themes

The memoir delves into Jawar's upbringing, education, and political awakening, tracing the evolution of his thoughts and strategies. It provides insights into Ethiopia's turbulent recent history, reflecting on the successes and failures of the country's political transitions.

Jawar emphasized that understanding the past is crucial for shaping the future. While this book focuses on recounting his experiences, he hinted that his next book will propose strategies for addressing Ethiopia's ongoing political and social challenges.

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